Understanding and mitigating lameness virtual workshop

Caricamento Eventi

Il giorno 22 marzo 2022 si terrà un workshop attraverso la piattaforma Zoom  dalle ore 10 alle ore 12.30 intitolato Laboratorio virtuale di comprensione e mitigazione della zoppia“.

Il Programma prevede:

10:00 am – 10:15 am
Economic impact of lameness: A brief overview of the impact lameness has on farm profitability due to milk loss, delayed conception, and costs related to extra handling, treatment, and early culling.

10:15 am – 11:00 am

Risk factors and best management practices: Improving lameness in your dairy herd needs a multi-faceted approach. Presenters will discuss herd management and facility factors that are known risk factors for lameness and strategies to reduce lameness on your farm.

11:00 am – 11:15 am
Foot baths: A brief discussion on the best practices for implementing and managing footbaths.

11:15 am – 12:30 PM
Effective lameness detection: Early detection of lameness combined with a routine foot-trimming program is critical

L’evento è gratuito grazie ai numerosi sponsor che lo hanno finanziato, è necessario solamente iscriversi.

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